good day


I am Edwin Cole and I work as a pri­va­te ban­king con­sul­tant for CITI invest­ment bank. I am cont­ac­ting you to share this con­fi­den­ti­al deal with the best hope that we can coope­ra­te tog­e­ther for our MUTUAL bene­fit.

I have the capa­ci­ty to use my posi­ti­on in the bank, to secu­re a pro­fi­le addi­ti­on on your behalf as an appro­ved bene­fi­ci­a­ry in the bank’s pay­ment data­ba­se, in order to recei­ve an imme­dia­te pay­ment of Huge Sum of money for a decea­sed cli­ent that died inter­sta­te along with his fami­ly mem­bers. I have good inten­ti­ons to col­la­bo­ra­te with you, and to have the funds pro­fi­led on you as a Pay­ment Bene­fi­ci­a­ry which will then be trans­fer­red to your nomi­na­ted bank account. After trans­fer of the funds are com­ple­ted to your bank account, we will share the money tog­e­ther. You will then ensu­re that I recei­ve half of the total amount and you retain the other half to yours­elf. The­re are no risks of any unsuc­cessful attempt.

If you are keen and capa­ble of hand­ling this deal with me, let me hear from you for fur­ther details. Kind­ly send your details to my con­fi­den­ti­al email.

Kind regards,
Edwin Cole